Old me VS new me…

Ever look back at old work and think ‘oh my, that’s not great’… Does it make you feel a little cringe. Well guess what? That’s perfect! If we looked back at all our past projects and thought they were the best, then we wouldn’t be progressing.

Turn that cringe into a congratulations. Look at the improvements you’ve made and how far you’ve come. Enjoy the fact that the time you’re putting in is paying off and that your quality of work has upgraded.

Think of yourself as your own competition. Me VS Me. Challenge yourself to be better than you last week or you last year. We’ve all got ‘cringe’ work and life moments, but they’re the lessons and experiences that shape us and guide us to greater things.

So next time you’re squinting at a product of the ‘old you’, be proud because then it was great. Be thankful because what you’re achieving now is better. And be excited because you know the ‘future you’ has whole lot more upgrades in store.

Keep striving. As Drake would say.. ‘Started from the bottom now we’re here’.


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