What does success look like?

Take a snapshot in your mind of ‘success’.

What does it look like? Were you thinking of what others perceive as success? Or your own version?

It’s easy to downplay our success. There’s always someone doing it bigger or better but really, they’re just doing their own version on their own timeline.

Getting out of bed.. Closing a million dollar deal.. Waking up 7 times to feed your baby, making a coffee or putting the washing on.. Writing a blog.. Giving a presentation.. Selling your first product online.. All of these are someone’s version of success.

Don’t be discouraged by other people’s opinions. Be confident in your journey and if it doesn’t feel right, change up the rhythm until it flows.

Everyone’s version of success is ever changing, but be sure not to downplay it, be proud of your current version of success and own it. It’s your version after all.


Paralysis by analysis.


Old me VS new me…