Paralysis by analysis.

Oh my days. How have I never heard this term? I was thinking when I googled it the definition would be an image of me, however, Wikipedia’s explanation is that:

“Analysis paralysis is when the fear of either making an error or forgoing a superior solution outweighs the realistic expectation or potential value of success ...”

Well that resonates 100%. It’s great to be able work on multiple projects at any one time, however the struggle to stay tuned in and focussed at times is real.

The battle of urgency is ever present, to the point that starting on one task can quickly lead to switching tasks for fear of missing something more urgent. Hence the total ‘click’ when I heard paralysis by over analysis. The feeling of being unproductive and frustrated that all of the ‘to do list’ hasn’t been ticked off can totally be related back to over analysing the list of tasks in the first place.

I feel like I’ve had an ‘ah ha’ moment so I have a plan!

Next time I feel paralysed by a myriad of goals for the day, I’m going to put my phone on ‘do not disturb’ and complete one at a time, ignore the pressing sense of urgency of the other items on my list and kick that ‘analysis paralysis’ far away from my over analytical mind.

That said, an over analytical mind has its perks when it comes to proficiency in event organisation. So, we take the good with the bad and overall it’s all about being conscious of our actions and being aware of our areas for improvement. So improve I shall!

“Don't think too much. You'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.” - Sukhraj S. Dhillon


Don't tell me what to do…


What does success look like?